

Bơ (Vietnamese-Style Mayonnaise)

124 servings


5 minutes

active time

10 minutes

total time


4 egg yolks , divided

500 mL vegetable oil , divided

6 tbsp onion oil , optional

1/2 tbsp salt

2 tbsp sugar


In a stand mixer with a whisk attachment, whisk 2 egg yolks on high until mixed, then slowly add 400 mL oil. If oil pools, stop pouring and wait until mixture is incorporated before continuing. If it thickens too quickly, slow speed to medium and add oil more quickly.

While whisking on medium, add onion oil, salt and sugar. Continue even if mixture splits. Empty into a bowl. Clean and dry mixing bowl.

Whisk remaining 2 yolks on high; once mixed, slowly add remaining 100 mL oil.

Add previous yolk-oil mixture into mixing bowl, adjusting speed if it pools or thickens too fast. Bo’ should be a thick, buttery consistency. Keep covered in fridge for up to 2 weeks.

124 servings


5 minutes

active time

10 minutes

total time
Start Cooking