
Cinnamon Rolls

~15 Rolls



total time



7g yeast

82g Sugar

1/4c Water

3/4c buttermilk

1tsp salt

1tsp vanilla extract

6tbs butter (unsalted) melted

3 large eggs, slightly whisked

655-670g bread flour


1/2c Sugar

1/2c Brown Sugar

4tsp Cinnamon

3/4c softened butter (I usually use a single stick or less)


1c Powdered sugar to start

1tsp Milk or water to start

~1tsp Vanilla

2tbsp Softened butter (optional but recommended)


Heavy whipping cream


Combine yeast and warm water.

Whisk eggs, melted butter, sugar, salt, and vanilla. Combine with yeast and water. You don't have to do this in separate containers.

Heat buttermilk ~45 seconds in microwave and whisk to smooth it out. Add to the mixture.

Add flour and mix. I usually let it run on the Kitchenaid at the 2nd setting for about 15 minutes. The big thing you want is for the dough to be like a window pane. Link for example:

Let dough Raise for 1-1.5 hours.

Flour your counter top. Roll out dough to desired thickness (I do maybe a quarter of an inch, doesn't have to be too precise, just roughly the same). You may need to flour your rolling pin so the dough doesn't stick.

Spread on softened butter by hand (or melted if you don't want to get your hands dirty). Be careful not to tear the dough. Leave a small half inch section on one end: It should be a rectangle. One of the longer sides should be the section without butter.

Mix and spread out the sugar filling evenly across the buttered dough. Be sure not to put it on the part of the dough you left without butter.

Roll the dough from the wide end that has butter and the cinnamon/sugar mix on it. It should roll to the side that doesn't have butter. When you are finishing the roll, pinch the edge of the dough without butter to the roll to help seal it.

Cut into evenly sized rolls - I do somewhere around 1.5 inches. The bigger they are, the longer it'll take them to cook through and you may have some uneven cooking happening - outer rolls are burnt and inner are doughy.

Spray a 9x13 pan and place them into it. Cover and let raise for about an hour.

Set oven to 325.

Optionally, pour in some (room temp) heavy whipping cream between the cinnamon rolls before placing in the oven. This will increase the time needed for them to cook.

I usually turn mine at around 12 minutes, and take them out completely at 19 minutes. A good test is to take a sharp knife and cut into the middle of one of the middle rolls. It should look bready and not doughy.

If you chose to add cream, it may take up to 25-28 minutes for them to fully cook. Check them regularly after 20 minutes to be safe.

For the icing, mix powdered sugar, milk or water, and 2tbsp of softened butter in a bowel. Add the vanilla after you've mixed together the other ingredients. You will need to add more powdered sugar or milk/water to get the right consistency and to make enough.

You can mix by hand or with a hand mixer.

~15 Rolls



total time
Start Cooking