
How to Brine Chicken for Smoking

1 serving


5 minutes

active time

7 minutes

total time


1/2 cup kosher salt*

1 cup brown sugar

2-4 bay leaves (optional)

1 tsp mustard seeds (optional)

1 tsp peppercorns


Combine 2 cups water with the salt and sugar, add the bay leaves, peppercorns and mustard seeds and bring to simmer. Remove from heat and stir to help the salt and sugar dissolve.

In an appropriately sized container combine 2 cups cold water and 6 cups ice cubes. Pour the concentrated brine solution and stir to combine. Allow the mixture to cool down.

Add the chicken to the cool brine and make sure it is submerged in the liquid. Cover and refrigerate. Brine as necessary (see notes below).

Before smoking remove the chicken from the brine and pat it dry. Discard the brine.

When seasoning the outside of the meat keep in mind that you need to use very little or no salt because the chicken has already absorbed sodium from the brine (this depends on the length of the brining time).

TIP: If you already brined chicken for the necessary hours but changed plans last minute and are not going to smoke it right away then remove the meat from the brine and pat it dry. Return it to the refrigerator until you need to cook it. Cook it within 24 hours.

1 serving


5 minutes

active time

7 minutes

total time
Start Cooking