
High Protein Cheesy BBQ Chicken & Crispy Potatoes!




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- 800g Raw Cubed Chicken Breast

- 1.5 tsp Salt

- 2 tsp Oregano

- 1 tsp Chilli Flakes

- 2 tsp Onion Powder

- 2 tsp Paprika

- 2 tsp Olive Oil

- 25g Light Butter for cooking

- 3-4 Garlic Cloves Minced

- Freshly Chopped Parsley

- 80-100g Reduced Sugar BBQ Sauce (Brand: Tesco)

- 50-60g Shredded Mozzarella

- 800g Cubed Potatoes Raw

- 1 tsp Salt

- 1 tsp Garlic powder

- 1 tsp Paprika

- 1 tsp Oregano

- Optional Olive Oil or Cooking Spray


- Chop chicken and mix with seasoning

- Cube potatoes and season

- Air fry potatoes at 200c for 18 minutes

- Cook chicken in butter for 6-8 minutes and lower heat

- Add more butter, garlic, parsley, 80g BBQ sauce

- Add potatoes and mozzarella until melted

- Garnish and split




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Start Cooking