no measurements
perfect f****** steak
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Tallow or high smoke point oil
Kosher or maldon salt
24 hours before, salt your meat (pause) (both sides). Leave on a rack overnight
Take out an hour before you want to cook
Get pan as hot as possible. Pat steaks dry & salt.
Put oil or tallow in the pan.
Sear fat side first (if applicable)
Sear until steak releases then place on rack
Other side, same treatment
Allow to cool & keep repeating until crust is done.
Remove steaks & place on rack.
Reduce heat & place butter, garlic + herbs. You don't want the butter to burn. You want it to be bubbling.
Omce the steak has cooled, baste the steak in butter on in the pan. Use only the bubbles.
Rest your steaks for 10
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